
Im in my 12th week now?

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when will i feel baby move around in my tummy.........




  1. Hi,

    U can feel better from ur 6th month onwards.....

    From then onwards,ur baby wont stop kicking u....

  2. If its your first baby anytime between 16 and 20 weeks, for some people it maybe a little earlier or later.  With my first I felt movements from 16 weeks and they were really strong kicks and rollypolly movements - no little flutters, with my second child I felt sensations of movement from around 14 weeks but nothing really definate till about 17 weeks and even then hers was much gentler than with my son and not as often, but it turned out my placenta was at the front with her so was blocking alot of the movements I was feeling.

  3. Within the next four weeks and you will also get an increased s*x drive...the s*x drive won't last as long as the baby moving though ha ha.  If you feel a flutter in your belly several times, that is the first movement.

  4. Around 18 to 22 weeks if it's your first.

    It will feel like a fluttering or popping sensation.

  5. in your 22nd week

  6. if its a 1st pregnancy you will start to feel movement from around 20+ weeks if its not your 1st you may feel flutters alot soon as you know what your looking out for  

  7. i didnt start feeling my son move until 21 wks, each woman is different..they say skinny women feel it sooner most of the time..

    good luck!

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