
Im in need of a new pet but i dont which 2 get a ball python or a doberman pincher what do u guys think?

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Im in need of a new pet but i dont which 2 get a ball python or a doberman pincher what do u guys think?




  1. i've owned snakes and i've owned a doberman...both great pets.

  2. If you have a girlfriend it is better to have a doberman. A dog in the house is really nice , but you must also take good care of it about its vaccination ,food, health, etc.. so if you can take the responsibility the you should have a dog..

    A snake is also good, and gives others the feelling of a tough guy you are ...

    Rest is you choice ...

  3. you don't NEED a pet, and the 2 you mentioned are completely different with complete different needs

  4. i suggest a woman..

    s*x & house hold work!

  5. snake

  6. The snake thing comes off as a little creepy to girls, I'd go with the dog.

  7. Both are a big commitment and will live a long time.  So, it boils down to how much time you have to give to the animal.  The snake will be content (though it may get difficult to handle) if it's ignored and not held, as long as its habitat is clean, and you're providing the correct light/heat/food.  A dog will need attention daily, as well as to be walked and cleaned up after.

    So, google both animals and see what their specific care is.  The more you learn - the easier the choice will become.

    An informed owner is a happy one who has a healthy and content pet.

    Whatever you decide - enjoy your new pet!

    I hope this has been helpful.

  8. it would hae to be the snake, they are so cool and a good pet, thats if you look after them right.

  9. Well I would say which ever one you would like the best and would want to have as a friend. . . Personally I would pick the doberman pincher because you can do more stuff with a dog than with a snake. But seriously, just choose the one that you would give the most attention to. . . like dogs are kind of hard to take care of because you have to walk them, feed them and play with them/give them a lot of attention and if you don't have the time to do that then I would just get the snake.

    does that help you?

  10. Doberman Pincher -- you can take on on walks, it offers some household protection and it loves you back.

  11. Neither, I may be wrong because you didn't provide enough info, but it sounds like your just getting a pet just for the image. Why are your only choices a doberman or a snake?

  12. There is a big difference between a snake and a dog. Which one will you take care of better? Dogs take alot of love and hard work, whereas snakes, you feed them once a week, handle them a little bit but for the most part they just stay in their cage.

    Edit: And snakes are not creepy.

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