
Im in the market for a skimboard right now, and I could use a bit of help.?

by Guest31829  |  earlier

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I've been skimming for about over a year now on a wooden board but I want to make the transition to the foam/fiberglass ones. Im not really keen on buyings something expensive but I would like to have something of good value for a good price. I have also seen various types of skimboards on sale at eBay at quite a large discount . any Help would be appreciated.

Here are the links to the boards on ebay




  1. A good fiberglass board will make all the difference!

    I spent $40 + shipping for a new board on e-bay and was really not happy with it. You've been skimming for a while so you know that you're really into it. The cheap glass/foam boards on e-bay are ok for beginners, but I would spend the cash to get a good quality board.

    Zap makes great boards for all levels and sizes. You can look for your ideal board by your size and weight, and depending on what you'll be doing on the water. The Wedges are great for sand skimming & getting into the water a little, and the more expensive Pro's are for advanced wave riding. I have a medium wedge and love it!

    Also check out Victoria and Exile Boards.

    Keep checking e-bay for used ones; you'll save a lot of money, good boards new are not cheap. Also check Craigslist, that's where I found mine.

    Worst case scenario, you'll drop a hundred bucks or so on a brand new board. It will be worth it!

    Good luck!

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