
Im in volleyball and i suck and i dont want to go to my game help!?

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my stupid parents signed me up for volleyball at the YMCYA and im not learning anything and the rest of my team has played before and know what to do but i dont I DONT want to go to my game today and look like a r****d in front of everyone i cant set, barely bump, cant spike NO idea how to rotate, how can I covince my mom just to let me skip this game and practice before my next game.




  1. you cant just skip a need to practice harder than you'll actually wanna go. if you guys are just doing rotations and you dont have a set position, you just rotate counter for the other stuff, you need to talk to your coach and PRACTICE.

  2. So What YOU've never played. YOU WILL learn eventually. Stop your whining and go to the game!

  3. The only way you are going to learn is to get out there and do it. Personally I don't let my children cop out of something that they wanted to do. You obviously didn't want to do it, since you called your parents stupid, but, perhaps they have your best intrest in mind. They don't want you to become this loner that sits in front of the computer all day long. They want you to get out there and make new friends and learn a new skill/sport. They want you to learn teamwork.

    But, if you really don't want to go. Just tell her. What's the worse that can happen? She tells you, no you have to. Or she will want to know a really good reason why not. If she does, then tell her what you just told us, That you don't know any of the skills because you haven't been paying attention in practice and you want more time to practice before your next game. That you don't mind letting your coach down or your team-mates down, because you don't know how to play because you went to practice with a bad attitude about it, and really don't care.

  4. Talk to your parents. Tell them that your not the sport type, and maybe you'd like to to try another sport of your pick.

  5. these are just random ideas i thought of. Some are probably dumb but, i dont know they might help.

    1. fake sick

    2. have a serious convo. with her

    3. whine and whine some more until you get what you want


    if she makes you go. to your coach about it

    2.purposely do really badly so your coach wont make you play much

    3. just play and have fun whether you're good or bad

  6. ur lucky ur only starting in the y.  be thankful she didn't put u on a club team and make u a laughing stock.

  7. Just go to the game, maybe ask you coach if you can sit out the first half of the game so you can see how it all works and get pointers to help you.  Just dont skip it, it wont do you any good...

  8. talk

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