
Im interested in buying a ps3 but im a kid and only have $350. Is this website reliable?

by  |  earlier

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  1. nope

  2. ask your parents for $50 or maybe a little more and go up to walmart or something and just buy the PS3 there.. simple and fast

  3. wait until september, then all the 80GB PS3's will be $400 so you can get one a best buy instead of ordering it.  

  4. they can rip you off i would not risk it

  5. You only need $50 more.

    Save some more and go buy it personally.

    Or hit up good old g'pa for a $50 dollar bill.

  6. ya man don't risk it. You have $350 wait just be patient. Patience is an amazing quality if you can master patience life can be good. It will work out everything always does bro.

  7. Don't risk it kid.

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