
Im interested in doing my own gift basket business, does anyone have any info on how to make your own website?

by  |  earlier

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I have been interested in having my own gift basket business for awhile now, does anyone have any tips or information on sites to make your own website for free to advertise your business or where customers can order? Any help is appreciated! Thanks!! =)




  1. When it comes to creating your own website, you have more options than some stars have had comebacks. Choosing which way to go can be a daunting experience, but in the broadest terms, there are three paths you can take:

    1) Pay someone to create, host, and maintain your site.

    2) Create a site from scratch if you have HTML and Web authoring skills.

    3) Use a ready-made template for site building and hosting.

    The first and second options can each be costly. Just paying someone to design a basic site will typically cost well over $200; then add in hosting fees (hosting designates where a site "lives") and maintenance costs (such as adding new pictures or updating your reel). Maintenance costs will vary widely, though, depending on the designer: Some will offer to update your site at no additional cost for the first year, but beyond that, most designers will

  2. I use is my site

    It's $19.00 or so a month and I did most of it myself.

    Good luck!

  3. check

  4. Opensource:

  5. I have not tried this but here is a link to try  it looks interesting.If you do use it let me know what you think.

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