
Im interested in green energy and sustainable fuel sources, what are the ways to make green while being green?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going to be an owner/operator in a biodiesel manufacturing plant and I will have millions of gallons of biodiesel to sell, (if theres anyone looking for a large supply, here i am!) But i am looking to find out what other options are available in addition to what i will already be doing to make money in this area?

Im especially interested in ways to sell back to the power grid.

I do know a decent amount about solar panels and wind, but are there any other ideas out there or really ingenius ways to add to this desire?

What better way to make money helping the earth!

if you've got any information or suggestions that cant be posted privately, feel free to contact me!

PS: please make no mistake, this is mostly about my desire to succeed and profit in business within this industry!




  1. Have u heard or read anything about supercritical diesel steam injection technology? It was being researched and developed in New Zealand and Helsinki, Finland. It was using diesel and steam in alternating compression cycles, intake and exhaust , I believe. I can no longer find anything more on the subject. Almost like it's being suppressed. I had some material I printed before , and briefly looked at. I don't know if it was water steam, or diesel steam, but I know that an engine like that only uses 20% of what a regular engine uses. And , it had more compression, and power than a regular  diesel engine. I would love to see our trucks, trains, and ships run on supercritical biodiesel engines.

    One of the problems to be worked out, was finding a material that could endure the friction an engine like that produces.

    I think nano carbon ceramics would probably be worth a shot.

    Or we could have replacable valve linings that would be replaced every so many revolutions.

  2. My friends uncle lives in Europe. He runs his heat and most of his appliances off of solar panels on his roof. Then he sells his unsed energy to a nearby Energy plant.

  3. Great idea I was also thinking on the same lines but lack the capital and resources, wish you good luck and send me mail if you need any more info/help.

    Solar is one option which is extremely underused, even if we consider daytime availability using solar PV to generate electricity for daytime use in industries could be profitable option.

    One of the ideas is to install Solar PV plants at economical rates in IT and related industries which mostly operate during daytime, this could be especially useful in countries/areas where abundant daytime sunlight is available during most parts of year.

  4. Ethanol and biodeisel production is more energy intensive than oil production. It also requires a c**p load of water, which is fast running out. Arable land is also running out, by 2050 the USA will only be able to feed 200 million, the rest will starve to death. biodeisel and ethanol production will further erode the nation's carrying capacity just as badly as population growth and oil depleation.

  5. Check with your local authorities to see if you need a license or something for fuel distribution.

    But be careful.  There are an awful lot of people in this world who contributed a great deal to the mess it is in now in pursuit of a buck, and by the time they get far enough they could care less beyond their lifetime.  If it was done for long enough and in enough quantity, even bio-diesel would be as bad for the environment.

    I think either the efficiency of consumption needs to go up, or the quality of the fuel needs to be a lot cleaner.  Otherwise find a less crude form of motivation than the dump pump that is todays conventional engine.  Take a look at how far the car has come, but ask yourself if it should have come farther.  Even though bio diesels are more efficient than crude diesels, which are more efficient than conventionals, the bar remains too low.

  6. I suggest you go into the business of buying and selling carbon credits.

    You can create your own market and there is no government regulation, it's what Al Gore is doing.

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