
Im interested in photography and i need an inexpensive camera to start learning with...?

by Guest67144  |  earlier

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would this camera be any good or no?

help? thanks so much!




  1. If you want to learn how to use an adjustable camera (the ones photographers use), you can find inexpensive 35 mm SLR's with a lens on craigslist.  With it you can learn how to use shutter speeds in conjunction with selected apertures and when you can, buy additional lenses which you can later use when you eventually buy a DSLR.

    P&S cameras are all automatic, so control over it is minimal and you become a P&S operator ... not a photographer, so you will learn nothing about photography ... only how to compose your shots.

  2. I would check out the Canon Powershots.  There are a lot of models and  all prices.   Get one with a viewfinder, so you can take pictures in bright sunlight.

  3. I was required to take photography.  I do not see the advantages in film because of several reasons.

    But what you need is a SLR or a digital SLR which allows you to adjust the focus, blurry, sharpen, etc.  I'll go for the highest MP possible within your budget.  Their's not much really you'll need it's really simple.  You just need a good subject to take pictures of.  

    Also invest in a tripod sometimes your hands may not be steady enough.

    Also, flash is very harsh light.  For taking pictures of people, usually lighting umbrellas are used cause light is refelct off an object instead of going directly to the person.

  4. I can't tell you for sure because I have no experience with that camera, but I would recommend a Canon Powershot Digital Elph for a beginner. It's 7 megapixels and takes very nice still shots. It's hard to take great action shots, but most pictures come out clear. The camera is only $200, $50 less than the one you showed me, and it's got a nice big screen and tons of different modes to give diversity to all of your shots. I have this camera and love it. I highly recommend it!

  5. All I can say is, shop around. Wolfe's camera tend to be overpriced.

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