
Im jealous of my sister and friends having babys?

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Im a mom of 4 happy and healthy boys I wouldnt trade them for anything but I cant help to want another one since my sister and sis in law and friend all just had babies. I hate it I wish it was me but I know 4 is alot. Is it bad that I wish I could get the hubby to want another and is it horrible I keep thinking that its just not fair that I didnt have a girl? Please any advice would help.




  1. I think you just feel left out.

    You shouldn't have another child for the h**l of it though. =/

    EDIT: If you like big families, maybe try fostering?

    Or maybe even adoption if you're able to go through with the process. You'll help those children out there get a wonderful home.

  2. Well, it's understandable to want to have a baby girl, when others close to you just did. But there's not much that you can do in this situation-- you're blessed with 4 healthy boys, and that's that. So, if you and your husband want another kid, fine. But I recommend thinking about it for a while before doing anything. The feeling of jealousy will most likely pass after sometime. Use that emotion & energy into raising your boys.

  3. I know how you feel I had both my kids by the time I was 18 and didn't end up marrying him (TG LOL) I also now have 2 step kids making it a total of 4 BUT my husband had a vasectomy in his previous marriage and now we can't have any together and it makes me feel so very sad and left out.  I am now 28 and wish that he and I could have one together even though we have "4".

  4. you could foster a kid or adopt

    do some good in the world and help out other kids that need it instead of creating more babies....just a thought

  5. Well, 4 kids these days is a lot...or any day for that matter, but that is just my opinion.  Only you and your husband know if you can handle another child.  I think you are just reliving the days of the excitement of being pregnant, being a new mom, the wonders of the new family member, etc.  It's not wrong to want that again, especially if you really have your heart set on having a girl.  Just make sure that you stay fully honest with your husband about your feelings and have some serious talks about it.  If it is going to cause a strain in your marriage and home (which will cause a strain for everyone) it's not worth it.  All that said, there's nothing abnormal to be a little jealous of things like this, as long as you're not green with envy in a negative way.  It's okay to want and discuss.  Good luck with your decision :)

  6. My Mom went through that ... and here I am!  I was 6 years behind her fourth child.  My Aunt had a new baby, and my Mom got jealous, and wanted a baby too!  I understand your desires.  I wanted more children after my Twins were born (16 Years Ago, 2 Girls) and my husband said "No Way!"  I was unhappy (with him) FOR YEARS.  I'm over it now.  They are driving us crazy, and we can't wait to be ALONE again.  LOL!  It's hard to deal with, I know.  Best Wishes to you!  <3

  7. aww! just remember they've gotta have there turn to. why not have another if you've got the time and money.

  8. The bigger the family, the better. Do it, if not you will always ask yourself why you didnt!

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