
Im joining army but i don;t understand RANKING?

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im really confussed. i know theres soldiers and Officers. but i know they both fight in battles. just do u need to start off from a Private first class and work ur way up to General. Or can a soldier only become a sgt. Major . But if i wanna be a Officer do i start off as a 2nd Lieutenant or 1st Lieutenant. but i can'y understand that because i think i have more power the a sgt.major cuz out rank him, im really lost. cuz id like to be a Captain in the army




  1. If you enlist, meaning you go down to a recruiters office and volunteer for service, then you are considered an "enlisted" person and can rank up within the enlisted and Non-Commissioned Officer ranks...

    If you want to become an officer, you either need to attend a military college or regular college, then apply for Officer Candidate School.. Once you complete OCS, you may be offered a commission as an officer.  

    Generally, (although some enlisted folks have college degrees...) Officers have college degrees and enlisted folks don't.

  2. First link is enlisted ranks and description and the second is officer ranks and description.

  3. Basically if you just join right off the bat you can only get to a certain point. If you wanna go higher than that then you have to go to school for it.

    If you wanna be an officer right away you can also do that too. Instead of joining right away you go to military academies first or join the officer program.

    Its kinda like college. First you get your Associate Degree then your Bachelors then your Masters and so on. With each degree more jobs open to you.

  4. I would suggest that you start off by getting an education before you consider the Army. If you have at least a high school; diploma then I would consider getting your money back.

  5. Okay, this one is simple.  There are enlisted and officer ranks.  Enlisted are the privates and such.  Here's the ranks:



    e3-PFC or private first class



    e6-Staff Sargent

    e7-Sargent first class

    e8-Master Sargent/Sargent Major

    Officers go to OTC or Officers training course:

    O1-2nd Lieutenant

    O2-1st Lt.



    o5-lt colonel


    07-brigader general

    08-Major general

    09-Lt General

    010- General.  You get the point.  If you want to be a captain, you need to go talk to an officer recruiting.  Usually you have to have a college degree, which it's kind of evident you don't by your typing.  Easy way is to go to a college that has ROTC and start there.

  6. If you enlist, you start out as a private, and the highest rank you could be is a sergeant major (or the sergeant major of the army), you can be a sergeant major without having a college degree.  To be a commissioned officer, you need to have a 4 year degree and you start out as a 2nd Lieutenant and the highest you can be is a general.  if you start out as an enlisted soldier you can transition as an officer by going to officer candidate school, and it dosn't matter what rank you are as long as you have enough college under your belt.  

  7. Don't worry about it, they will teach you all about it. If you don't understand the rank system maybe your better off as a PFC.

  8. holy h**l thats a mouth full lmao ... u start out as private and work your way up ... if you want to become a Captian you have a long way to go you have to go through officer school blah blah blah ... forget all the c**p like that ull b 40 by the time u make it there

  9. The military has commissioned and non-commissioned officers, and enlisted workers. The Army's rank of General, for example, is on the top of the ranks of the officers. There are also people who choose to stay in the enlisted ranks and never become a full commissioned officer.

    The ranks of each person determine who is in charge. A commissioned officer is always in charge even if he's Second Lieutenant and the non-commissioned officer he's with has 25 years in. However, there's usually just a handful of officers and a bunch of enlisted men and women. With no officer present, the senior non-commissioned officer is in charge of a unit.

    You first need to determine what job you would like to do in the military and start there. Some officers are signed after they get a four-year degree outside the Army, such as supply, medical, and chaplain. Some are taken through a commissioning program after enlisting. Of course, the finest officers go through the academy at West Point.

    Talk to a recruiter about your career intentions.

  10. if you want to be an officer, you need to go to a military school and go through officers training. if you just enlist then you can not go very high in rank

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