
Im just 2 weeks pregnant can i drink soda?

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i havent been to the dr. yet and my boyfriend steve says not to drink any soda. I really want it. So can i drink it. And all sodas include coke pepsi dr. pepper sprite exc...




  1. a little caffeine is fine, just don't drink like 6 caffeinated beverages a day. when i was pregnant i started getting migraines. the doctor gave me direct. that's just acetaminophen, caffeine, and something else. also, don't believe in the myths about not eating chocolate because of its caffeine content either. it has such a minimal amount it doesn't matter. so yes, you can drink soda, just not a lot.

  2. Drink it in moderation.  Some say there is a connection with the mom's caffeine use and childhood hyperactivity.  Stay away from diet soda or anything with aspertame.  It is hard on your liver and kidneys, which are already working hard enough during pregnancy.

  3. In moderation you should be fine. Especially this early into the pregnancy. I would think just the basic serving of 8 ounces and not a full can or bottle would be best. Now one of the first things you will want to find out is how much caffeine will affect you while you are pregnant. As you hormones change your body you will find that stuff may affect you and the baby differently than it use to.

    The darker drinks also use more corn syrup and coloring than the lighter ones. There is much talk about that making them worse for you but I have not actually looked into this yet myself. So if you have a choice between dark and light then maybe the light ones will be a better choice.

    Other alternatives might be to simply try caffeine free versions of what you normally drink. Maybe even diet or diet caffeine free ones. Perhaps even watering it down so you get the taste but not as much of the calories, caffeine, and coloring.

    Also if you really want it then perhaps in your attempts to reduce the amount use it as a reward for yourself. Since pregnancies are hard on you ladies then it might work out well. Set up some goals you want to do during the pregnancy with time periods like 2 or 3 days or a week. If you can stick to those then reward yourself with your drink. It will help you deal with going through your changes and keep you positive about the experience.

  4. go nuts!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. why wouldnt you be able to?! just dont get crazy with it...


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