
Im just this true??

by  |  earlier

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when i was little was watching a show and i remember they said something about a type of insect that lays eggs inside you when you get bitten, and the offsprings live inside you eating away at your body or this true cause ever since then i've been scared of mosquitoes or any other insect that can bite me.

so can someone tell me if this is true and if so what kind of insect is it and where does it live??




  1. vivid imagination???

  2. I have no idea but i bet they are in africa or like arizona

  3. oh my. i have no idea. maybe in africa because they have all sorts of weird insects. thats creepy!!

  4. It happens a lot but not to humans - rather, to insects.

    The potter wasp captures spiders and either paralyzes them or chews their legs off, so they're alive but can't move, Then it builds a nest and buries the spider in it along with an egg. When the larva emerges, it feeds on the spider. Another wasp, the ichneumon, can sense a caterpillar in a gallery in a rotting tree or similar. With the long sting at the base of its abdomen, it lays an egg right inside the body of the caterpillar, which is then eaten alive from within.

    Richbaldguy, I see your Loa Loa and raise you a Guinea worm. I won't describe what it does to people - go look it up on Wikipedia if you're not easily squicked.

    Come to think of it, my mother lost a friend when she was young, to an Ascaris infection. The worms didn't eat away at her, but rather there were so many of them that they clogged something major. She heard the cause of death being referred to as 'the bundle had ruptured'. Sounds pretty grizzly.

  5. Yes. Many species of insects and parasites do this.

    Probably one of the better know is the botfly. They lay their eggs under the skin and once they mature, they emerge from the original site of infection. Here's a link: They don't continue to live inside you and eat your insides away. I wouldn't be too worried about mosquito bites, unless you're in the jungle or deep forest. If you live in city or suburbs, the odds are very low that this would happen.

  6. there are alot of creepy things that do what u describe. Tapeworms, blood flukes, etc. But if u live in the U.S there is 99% chance u will never come into contact with them.

    Tape worm eggs hatch in ur stomach and once they grow they look like ur intestine so even if u took an xray u cant see the worm.

  7. this applies to creatures such as parasitic worms and often in places such as Africa. Insects such as mosquitoes don't lay eggs inside you, but they can transmit diseases such as malaria.

  8. This is true there are several "bugs" that can lay eggs in infect by a bite. But how about  a worm in your EYE!

    The Loa Loa ,This is transmitted by the deer fly in the rain forest areas of west Africa and equatorial Sudan.  Adult worms migrate through subcutaneous tissues, sometimes winding up in the eye.

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