
Im just curious....?

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which presidental canidate do u want/think is gonna win?





  1. I haven't one has really stood out. I am watching the debates of both sides, looking for that candidate that gives me hope for the future.

  2. Hillary Clinton!

  3. Fred Thompson.

  4. An, as yet, unannounced candidate. Just wait someone will emerge in the coming months.

  5. It seems like a toss up right now; however, the candidate with the most political connections and political power (corporate funding) will probably win. I believe Hillary Clinton will be the next president and, believe me, I think it would be sad if she won.

    Hillary Clinton has made so many concessions to corporations, especially pharmaceutical companies, HMO's, and military contractors like Lockheed-Martin and Boeing. Obama and Edwards are fairly good candidates, but they do not have the connections that Clinton has in the Senate. Globally, Clinton has been first lady and she knows the rounds she needs to make. She was clear about her foreign policy during the debates. She will continue the status quo in Washington, D.C. which has many lobbyists very happy. Unfortunately for the American people, we will pay the price in higher taxes, a prolonged Mid-East conflict, and further corruption in our nation's capital.

    Finally, her connections and campaign funding with the American-Israeli Political Action Committee ensure that she will win. AIPAC is one of the most powerful lobbying groups in D.C. and it continues to promote or advocate enormous funding of the military-industrial complex which runs Washington, D.C. and Jerusalem.

    It is a rather depressing state of affairs in our nation that we have candidates so beholden to special interests. Hopefully, in the future we will have a government and/or leaders that will put the people of the U.S. first.

  6. I hope Hillary Clinton. I believe she will get a lot of good work done. (1) Straighten up the foreign policy (2) universal health care (3) education (4) social security, make it where the next gernation will receive it. (5) Put the middle class back on top.
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