
Im just starting off as a new vegetarian. can someone give me a nutritious 3 meal menu to start me off?

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and snacks too! :) thanks





    fruit salad with a slice of whole wheat toast w/ low fat margarine and fresh or Florida orange juice


    veggie burger with baked fries

    iced tea uncaffinated / or choc/soy milk


    vegetarian lasagna

    whole weat garlic toast or piece or whole weat bread with low fat margerine

    grape juice


    trail mix

    those sunharvest ships with pure fruit juice

    a small salad

    a piece of fruit

    ***just for fun a diet citrus soda like sprite

    stay away from brown sodas and mountain dew !

  2. Start the day with fruit smoothie and a bagel of your choice. Or Fruit salad and cottage cheese  with toast.

    For lunch a veggie burger is always good with some fries of chips.  Or their are plenty of veggie soups like minetrone (check for chicken/veggie broth). Or vegetarian chili with corn bread. Salad's are also always good.

    Dinner can be eggplant parm with pasta and salad. Or tofu stir fry over udon noodles.  I coat my tofu with cornmeal and fry it to make it crunchy on the outside, just to add a different texture.

    You really have so many options!

  3. Breakfast:

    Whole grain cereal with sliced bananas and almonds OR

    Oatmeal with peanut butter, honey, and cinnamon with bananas. Water, or a fresh fruit smoothie.


    Tangy hummus with fresh greens and tomatoes in a warm pita. Serve with baby carrots or apples w/ peanut butter.


    Tofu stir-fry with broccoli, mushrooms, and other veggies you prefer. Serve with beans, whole grain rice, or quinoi.

    Snacks: Almonds, pecans, apples with pb, veggie soup (make sure it's with vegetable broth), veggies and hummus, or fruit with soy yogurt and granola.

  4. try

    and some of my favorites are:

    rice cooked with soysauce in a pot, and in a separate pot cook carrots, mushrooms, red peppers, and anything else you want. Then mix it all together.

    Tofu cooked in soysauce or teriaki sauce, and put in soup, rice, noodles, or whatever you want to.

  5. do u eat gummy bears or worms anything gummy? well unless ur buying the vegetarian/vegan gummy bears... ur not a vegetarian

    didu know wat makes it gummy is something called bovine or porcine and it comes from pig, calf and other like the bison ? its the part of the intestine that makes it gummy...same thign with gum

    sorry to ruin ur dreams

    yum yum yum

  6. Hi there:)  Here is what I came up for you.  I can give you more if you want.  Let me know by e-mailing me.  I am vegan, so the meal plan I have created is vegan.


    Breakfast: Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal with 8 ounces of very vanilla soy milk and a piece of fresh fruit...

    Snack:  Cut vegetable of your choice, soy yogurt

    Lunch:  sandwich (whole wheat bread, vegetables, soy cheese, and Light Life meatless bologna or turkey), regular Sun Chips, and another piece of fresh fruit, water or other beverage:)

    Snack:  10 pecans, 8 ounces of chocolate soy milk

    Dinner:  1 cup vegetable stir fry (vegetables of your choice- broc, caul, gr. beans, carrots, pea pods work well), 1/2 cup of brown rice, vegetable spring roll

    Bedtime snack:  oreos and soy milk or a big bowl of air popped popcorn with Vegan Garden spread melted over it...Sprinkle it generously with sea or kosher salt


    I hope that helped.  I have a lot more ideas too:)  I have the ideas because I live it!

  7. Breakfast: Fruit salad with a side of plant milk or orange juice.

    Smoothie with fruits.

    Oatmeal with cinnamon, bannans, and a side of plant milk and toast.

    Tofu scramble, toast, tempeh bacon.

    Flaxseed pancakes or muffins. Breakfast or gronala bars.

    Burrito with whole grain tortials or corn tortials or pita bread and tofu or tempeh with veggies and hummus.



    Couscous or quinoa with beans (such as black or kidney). Tempeh and stir fry it with vegetables.

    Lettuce/veggie wrap.

    Salad and soup

    Grilled or steamed veggies with seasonings.


    Whole grain pita bread with lettuce, tomato, and hummus.

    Baked or broiled tofu or tempeh.




    Fruits (watermelon, kiwi, pineapple, grapefruit, mango, guava, olive, & orange), vegetables (beet, potato, pea, carrot, corn, mushroom, artichoke, cauliflower, avocado, green bean, asparagus, sweet potato, & sweet corn), sunflower seeds, banana blueberry smoothies, kale chips, homemade potato chips, trail mix, breaded mushrooms, quinoa, dark chocolate, stuffed vegetables, spicy chickpeas, dried fruit, & baked tofu.

    More recipes:

  8. I have been veggie 14 years.  My favorite restaurant (vegetarian to boot) in the whole world is right down the street from me in Athens,GA...The Grit.  I have their cook book and I use it so much it is falling apart...I cook my entire thanksgiving meal out of it and my whole family (veggies and non-veggies alike) rave about it and went out and bought the cook book the 1st year.  If you want some kick-butt recipes, I strongly suggest you get will not regret it!!

    Stay the course new gets so much easier with time, and soon you won't even think about it, it will just be very natural for you and there will be no temptation-I promise.

    Yogurt & Granola for breakfast

    Hummus/Sprouts/Cucumber Sandwiches-lunch

    For dinner, you can pretty much make any meal you are used to with veggie alternatives (tofu, tempeh, tvp, fake meat)

    Don't be afraid to experiment

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