everybody is living their life one day at a time. We’re all here making it paycheck to paycheck. Trying to get by & trying to figure out why we’re here, I look at it as, how do we even know IF we’re here? What is the point of our existence? Are we even existing? Nobody has ever had it perfect nor will anybody ever have it percect. People are the way they are for a reason. She wasn’t born a ***** & he wasn’t born a s**t. It’s the situations that have been thrown at us &how we’ve chosen to handle them is what makes us how we are this minute, & the next situation will change how we are the next minute. Who am I to say how you are living is wrong? Who are you to say the decisions ive made aren’t right? To me there is no right or wrong, just two different sides fighting over the same thing trying to prove different points. Who are you to say a boy cant like pink and a girl cant like blue? How would you feel if you couldnt be with the one you love because the rest of the world doesnt find it okay? same s*x? what does it matter? love is whats in the hearts, not whats in the pants. What is the law to say marijuana is bad? It was just passed by a group of opinionated people trying to change your opinion on the matter. Everything existing is just an opinion. People have different opinions because they were born from different mothers, raised in different houses, by different people, with different beliefs. You are who you are because your parents & teachers & media & churches made you that way. Look at our world, being wasted away by powerhungry people, trying to convince us they care about us just to get more votes. You know if it came down to it they’re only looking after their own asses, but again, that’s just my OPINION. Imagine peace was within reach & love was within sight? I wish I knew the answer to getting that but honestly I don’t, if someone does, could you please let me know? In the end how you look at the world is up to you, glass half empty, glass half full? To some this sounds like a bunch of gibberish & bullshit, but if you & I are on the same level, you know exactly what im talking about.
about your opinions
please. :)