
Im just wondering how motogp riders handle the bikes sliding sideways?it is from technology?or great balance?

by  |  earlier

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motogp racing info.




  1. balance, not just with gravity, but also balancing throttle control. with output of the motor being so high, you can easily power slide the rear wheel of these bikes, this causes a drift under power, IE, a slide, which enables cornering or acceleration out of a corner under power.

    the other part is to slide the rear into corners, 'setting up' the bike for the exit.

    all this is controlled via the throttle hand of the rider, technology, if anything is taking this type of control away from the rider and putting it under computer control.

  2. its a great balance.. riders can handle their bikes sliding sideways beacause they know how to balance..riders are professional in riding bikes.. so that even not hi-tech motor they ride, they can handle the bike sliding sideways... and also its has speed... if you are riding a motor that has a balance and you dn't have speed.. the balance does not effect in sliding sideways...",)

  3. You have to know your bike, gears and brakes, know your tyres, pressure, heat and type, know your track (or road) and know the weather conditions This sideways sliding or drifting can lead to an almighty high-side if you squirt on too much at the apex ... and off you go. So a lot of it is technology but no one would get on a bike if they had no idea about balance.

  4. A little bit of a few things really.

    Great machines, with well over 200 bhp, great machine control and a track as smooth as a pool table.

    Put these factors together and here you go!

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