
Im kind of worried that my hamster might not know how to drink out of her new water bottle

by  |  earlier

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The vertical one, she knows how to use the other type (The one with the angled piece) pretty well though! What should I do?




  1. Have a go and if she doesn't drink just replace the bottle!

  2. I'm with the animal guy on this one! Worse case scenario to put your mind at ease put a little water dish in the cage with your hamster. It'll make your cage bedding a little messy if he tips it over but at least you will know he has water access. But I'd bet my bottom dollar your hamster will figure it out on his own!  

  3. Hold her and take the bottle and teach her i did the same thing and it worked just finnee

  4. well i noticed my hamster wasn't drinking his water so i got his fave food and made the tip smell like the food and the next day he was drinking out his water i was so happy  

  5. HEY  i could help you:

    1. first try to make the hamster drink by taking water on your finger and letting it drip on nose and lips. soon it will get tired of the water on the face and l**k it off letting it know its ok.

    2. or you could feed it with a bottle until it is smart enough to realize the he/she could do it by their self .

    3. don't get pressed about it, a hamster won't kill its self over something dum. it this doesn't work take it to the vet please.

    I am a animal care physicion my self

  6. i had this problem or thought i did but it will eventually drink out of it dont worrie

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