
Im kind of young, do i think about marriage too much?

by  |  earlier

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Im in highschool, a Jr (11th grade) and with every guy I date i feel like he's the one, and I start day dreaming about our "life togather." I even imagine what our kids would look like and start thinking up names for them. . . is this normal for my age?




  1. it's normal to daydream and to think ahead, and i don't think there's anything wrong with what you just said...just try not to tell the guys about your plans for your lives together because young guys tend to get scared when you talk about long-term commitment and especially kids and stuff like that lol.

    and don't get too caught up in your daydreams because when you expect to spend the rest of your life with someone and then it turns out that for him it was only a high school one-time thing, you'll get hurt.

  2. i've heard the generalization that girls do this a lot... i don't, but i think it's ok, as long as you understand it may not work out... 24 out of 100 high school sweethearts get married, and 17 out of the 24 get divorced... so chances are not high... but keep a steady mind to the future, and don't be too heartbroken if it doesn't work out... good luck!

  3. well some people do that with alot of people that they like. just for fun and they joke around and stuff. so no i dont think its totally wrong for your age but you shouldnt be dead serious about it. so dont worry about it. its not abnormal. good luck!

    answer mine please!!;...

  4. Everyone is different I think it's alright, at least you are thinking with a future in view. smart girl, just be  very careful, there are a lot of sharks out there, finding the nice guys can be a bit of a challenge. Your prince will come some day! Best Of Wishes!

  5. Yeah, this is normal for your age. All feelings are intense, and day dreaming happens often.

    I think I would wait to start thinking about getting married. Date someone for a long time (like two years or more) and then think about it. Just remember, moving in with someone changes things. Having kids changes them a lot. You have plenty of life in front of you to find that "mister right".

  6. mm just maybe dont tell him your plans :S

    and dont get too hung up on them in case things dont work out, you'll only get hurt

  7. absolutely. theres nothing wrong with you. almost every girl ive dated, or just been friends with was like that. guys are like that to, but girls are way more in depth.

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