
Im korean and i wanna learn korean and japanese. should i learn them at the same time or learn korean first?

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well the question pretty much says it all




  1. I think it would be a better idea to stick to learning Korean first because you probably have more access to native Korean speakers then native Japanese speakers. I'm fluent with both Korean and Japanese and I learned both languages when I was a little girl because my parents speak it. It would be harder to learn them at the same time though because they ARE very very different languages. Good luck and if you need any help regarding those languages feel free to ask me.  

  2. you better choose one first.

    if you run after two hares, youll catch neither.

    (nito wo oumono itto wo mo ezu, japanese)

  3. Since you're Korean, I guess you can start learning the Korean language first before moving to Japanese. Though both 'sound' the same, there are essential differences. Give a few months to each, separately, and you should see good results. Each language is it's own universe.

  4. Because learning a language is a never-ending process, you can't just learn one and then move to the other. I think it would be best to learn them at the same time. They are very different languages, so there's not much of a chance of getting them confused.

  5. They're different enough that you're not going to get them confused. (Though you might want to stagger the start dates.) And they're similar enough that learning one will reinforce the other. All power to you.^-^

    PS. I hate to have to say this, but being Korean-American (sorry, I'm guessing) is not at all the same as being 'Korean'. ;-)

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