
Im late, but sick??? HELP?

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i have mono, i have been in and out of the doctor. and my period is 2 days late now. i've taken 3 pregnancy tests but they are all strong negatives. could my medications have messed up my period?

plus i have been in alot of trouble lately causing stress. So what do you think? i reallllly need some advice on this.




  1. it is just stress

  2. Do you have a reason to be pregnant?  Oh I see.  Just give it time, and don't stress so.  Being sick and stressing can make your period so late.


  3. If all the preg tests are negative then you're probably not pregnant however you can test again in a weeks time if you're still concerned. Otherwise yes medications and stress can both mess up your period and sometimes they're just irregular for no apparent reason. Go see your doctor if you're concerned

  4. Stress is a very very good reason for late periods....

    And yes your medication can and more than likely will affect ur period.

  5. My God, TWO DAYS?!

    You're fine.

  6. SO sorry to hear you're sick with's a tough one to get over!

    IF you had unprotected s*x, there's always a chance  you could be pregnant.  If you take the pill, but are taking antibiotics, it can change the way the pill works and you could get pregnant.

    MOST LIKELY, it is just the illness and stress.

    Why are you on meds with Mono?  Mono is a virus, antibiotics can't work on it.  However, if you have a secondary infection, caused by the mono, that makes sense.  

    My daughter, a couple of nieces, and several of my former students have had mono.  You need to be very careful to stay rested and not over exert yourself.

    My niece ended up with her liver and pancreas swelling due to not resting and getting enough fluids.  Every time she felt better, she would run around with her friends and not rest.  It's been over a year, and she still gets run down!

    Good luck!

  7. your hardly late give it more time

  8. You're still a kid. Your body still isn't used to all these new hormones. You'll be fine.

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