
Im leaving for vacation soon what time in the early morning should I leave?

by  |  earlier

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I also need tips about how to save room in my duffel bag!!!!




  1. Well it depends on your mode of transportation.

    If you're driving I would say about 5, because depending on where you're going you could get there in the afternoon

    In your duffel roll your clothes in a neat way. pick a shirt, and put underwear, and socks and roll the shirt neatly around it. Then you know you have underwear and socks for everyday.

    also don't over pack. you can always wear clothes that aren't too dirty a second time, which will cut down on outfits.

    use other pockets on the bag for stuff too. not just the main compartment.

    take travel sized toiletries, not normal sizes. they take up a lot of space, and way a lot!

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