
Im leaving in a few days for Puerto Jiminez, what types of clothes do I take?

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Skipping the parties in San Jose and heading to the outback.




  1. As light as possible and a pair of those light weight long pants for when you go into the Nature Parks so your legs do not get chewed up by the plants and other brush.

    Have a Good Trip!

  2. Make for you have some good mosquito repelent too!

    And you dont want to be walking around with rubber boots, you will look  like a jackass and be uncomfortable, just take some good water proof boots.

  3. normal light weight clothing.  I sugguest a hat for both sun & rain protection.

  4. Light clothes that dry easily.  Those pants that convert to shorts are good.  Good waterproof boots for hiking--Costa Ricans wear rubber boots and you might want to also.  They are cheap but you feel every rock.  

    .  It will be hot, humid, rainy and beautiful.  Wish I could go.

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