
Im left handed and im going to the marines will i have to shoot right handed, will i get a left handed rifle?

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Im left handed and im going to the marines will i have to shoot right handed, will i get a left handed rifle?




  1. tis is a joke right?     yes sure, you get a left handed rifle, you sign for it with your left handed pen, a fellow lefty, have no fear, like drinking glasses, writting impliments and garden hand tools, there is no need, or such thing as a "lefty" in such things....I can see why your going in the USMC, with a question like this, you'll fit right in.  Semper FI!,  

  2. you are just going to have to deal with hot brass fling by your face

  3. Yeah, you said you were gonna be a marine huh?

  4. A left handed rifle? Have you ever even shot a gun? Gun's can be shot left and right handed.  

  5. Sorry, there is no such thing as a "left handed rifle". But you will be allowed to shoot left handed with a "regular" rifle.

    When you fire most machine guns ( the SAW or M-240) you will have to fire them right handed or you will get a face full of hot brass. But the rifle (M-16 or M-4) can easily be fired from the Left hand.

  6. The weapon will discharge from the right while you shoot it left handed.  While you may find hot brass attacking you a little more than the next guy, it will work out fine.

    The biggest determining factor of which way you shoot is which of your eyes is more dominant.  If you dont know how to figure that out, email me!

    You will do JUST fine!

  7. guns are universal brotha, unless you get some real custome stuff. trust me they want you to shoot best you can. they got you covered.

  8. It doesn't matter which 'hand' you are, what matters is which eye is dominant.  You will primarily shoot based on which eye is dominant.  You may also learn to shoot with the other hand, for certain tactical situations.

    They will help you figure this out.

    The rifle will be the same, although you may learn some 'tricks' to help you if you shoot left handed.

  9. I would just like to say that there are rifles made for left handers, so it isn't a stupid question like everyone is implying. I don't actually have an answer to the question, I just wanted to tell everyone else that they are idiots.

  10. LOL!!!! I suggest you practice now so you know what a rifle IS!.......................

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