
Im like a owl ( awake at night and asleep during the day )

by  |  earlier

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well i am it just that i go to bed really early (in the morning that is) about 6 and then get up at about 4 in the afternoon (latest i got up is half 6) and even if i have all the lights off and everything i cant get to sleep do you have any tips or advice about how to get a better sleep routine thanks x




  1. there's nothing wrong with being a night owl. There are plenty of jobs with graveyard shifts and no one else wants to work these hours so you will always be in demand.  

  2. Sounds like insomnia, what you need to do is get up earlier like set an alarm for like 10ish in the morning and that way you'll be tired enough to go to sleep at normal time. If that doesn't work after say a week then go to your doctor.  

  3. I have a friend who is like this.

    She has been diagnosed as having delayed sleep phase syndrome, I think this is what it's called.

    It's where your body clock cannot set itslef properly.  Have a look on Wykepdia, you will find some info on there.

  4. i do that all the time and i'm doing it right now!  i haven't been asleep.

    yesterday i went to sleep at around 12:30 or so and then I woke up at 7:28 and i missed Jeopardy and I was so pissed.

    well the only thing i can think of is just try your hardest to stay up today and then go to sleep at night when you're exhausted.

  5. God d**n it I'm a owl too I didn't sleep last night and I woke up at 6:43 pm and fell asleep at 5:20am the day before and this is daily.

  6. everything will go back to normal when school is back  ;p

  7. Stop taking caffeine after lunch, force yourself to get up early the next morning, stay up until 7 and 1/2 hour to the time you want to wake up (human sleeping cycle is every 90 min.) even if you are having hard time keeping your eyes open.

    Camomile tea (caffeine free) puts me to sleep as well. (Caution: Regular tea and green tea contain more caffeine than coffee.)

  8. then i guess im an owl too , oh **** -.- lol

  9. ummm GET A DAY JOB

  10. im kind of like u i go to sleepat 4 and wake up at 2 most was 3 for me its part of summer but it could be stress or something like that what u can do is try to go to sleep like 12 and you will eventually fall asleep and then you will like wake up at 11 or 12 or 10 then your sleep will become balanced

  11. try going on a holiday where the timezone is different... hopefully you'll get jet lag which will change the time of when you sleep etc... then you can go back to where you live and try to get used to it

  12. get a job

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