
Im looking at my Gcse results sheet and I'm confused :)?

by  |  earlier

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The marks it says I have are more that what the exam was out of,

For example, In my Chemistry Exam that was out of 45, It says 80.

I know that its not at mistake but will someone explain the system to me?





  1. Hmm...  Was the second number a percentage?

    I get very confused about these sheets as well...  Lol.

    I hope you find it out!

  2. well i did ocr science and its doubled or something but i dont know about yours, my overall one was 300  

  3. I assume your doing AQA

    These are two different scores. 45 is known as a raw score. This is how many answers you got correct. Your teacher should be able to tell you the max score.

    This is then standardised into a UMS score (universal mark scheme) which is in your case 80.

    the top UMS score in my case for each subject was 50 but the max raw score was 36 i believe.

    The UMS exsists so comparisons can be made between differnet subjects. It is simialr to a percentage but many not be out of 100.

    Hope this helps.


  4. similar too my brother

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