
Im looking for a cruise ship job and i need help!! where must i start?????????

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PLEASE can some one help me... im looking for a job on a cruise ship and i dont know where to start!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i live in S.A. and i just dont know where to start!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. You can go to each companys website. They have links for employment. I am not sure what/where S.A. is but I am pretty sure no matter where you are from you can log onto their websites.  This website is for Royal Carribean.


  3. for a job as a photographer (no experience needed - training given onboard) try

  4. Before you do, you better think about it more,

    Why do you want to? Traveling? (if this is why, forget it, you wont have no time, you work long shifts)

    Pay? Not great

    Living Conditions , Really bad especially if your roomies are noisy, stink, etc

    You work sometimes 16hrs in a day, Average day 12hrs

    You get a 6 month contract, most will pay for you to get there but to get back if you dont finish your contract you will have to find a way back, beleive me most dont finish either get fired or quit. I finished my contract but I would never go again

    I worked for crew, not staff like guy above so maybe better, but $160 a week is great? LOL, I dont want to brag but I make way over that, Cruise lines are lots of hard work.

  5. Go work for the concessions, concessions run most services onboard. Like Shops, Spas, Casinos, Photo, sometimes Shore-Ex.

    Some advantages:

    You are staff, not crew. Better status, better food, better cabins, better deck privileges.

    Concessions have more ships.

    The 2 major concessions for shops are


    Together they have 95% of all ships afloat.

    Hardings has 55 or so, Starboard has some 90.

    Hardings pays more, and overall is a better company to work for.

    They usually hire directly, but ONLY in S.A. they have a recruiter. But you must go thru the site above.

    Speaking english is a big plus.

    Apperances and being polite don't hurt either.

    Some reatail experience helps but it's not essencial.

    Another big plus of the shops is the fact that mostly the ships are Duty Free, so the shops don't open in port, so you get free port days, work only nights.

    If you get overnights, no work.

    Sometimes you get an a*****e manager who makes people work days at port, but mostly no.

    it's a great job.

    Hardings pays 160 pounds a week, plus commission, which depends a lot but can triple that amount.

    And you get 35% off on the shops products.

    Going to the cruise lines sites takes forever, my first job was with Carnival using the site, but took a year. When I moved over to Hardings it took a week (of course I already had a medical and STCW-95 which you will need. STCW is basic safety and other BS).

    DON´T use agencies online, they are all crooks.

    Good luck

    Just to add, it's 160 pounds, which means 320 USD. And that's the set salary, on top of it there's commisson, commission on a good run and with a good manager can triple that, so 1000USD a week is pretty good, tax free.

    At the shops you will never work more than 12 hours on a sea day and most days you will work 5 or 6 hours.

    And in case you for some reason default your contract the company will see that you are repatriated properly.

    I know crew can work a lot more and that's basicaly why they usualy come from contries where the Dolar still have a huge value, like the Phillipines and Indonesia.

  6. I have answered this question in detail  a uber of times before-check out previous responses.

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