
Im looking for a job that gives you about $1,700-$2,ooo a week.i did not go to college but i graduated from hi

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im looking for a job that gives you about $1,700-$2,ooo a week.i did not go to college but i graduated from high school. i use to be a truck driver but i got fired so i need a job that pays that type of money a week.suggestions.




  1. only if you are a doctor or a lawyer you will make that kind of money and guess what they both require degrees,Grad school degrees

  2. Try 2 become a "stripper" or a "hooker".  stay away from sellin' drugs u can do big time for that.

    and most of all, "GET REAL"

  3. Your best bet would be to go to school, you might make that kind of money in 10 years. Otherwise your going to have to have some pretty big connections to get you in somewhere (which you probably dont), and even then you've got high hopes.... Get yourself into college or university.. or, work your way up the chain at macdonalds :P  

  4. Haha dude, doctors and lawyers make more than that!!

    Sorry, to answer your question, the only job I can think of with your qualifications is being a laborer of some kind. I had a bf once and he made that kind of $$ pouring concrete and making foundations for homes.  

  5. I am not trying to be funny. I don't think that there is a job out there like that or everyone would be wanting it. The only thing that would bring you that kind of money would be selling Marijuana and other types of drugs. I wouldn't advise that tho

  6. topless dancer

    seriously, if that was possible, why would the rest of us be spending thousands of dollars to get degrees?

    my cousin has a major and a minor, she is not yet 30 and is making $200K a year- all because of her degrees.

  7. That kind of money puts you around the six figure range, and I am not aware of any entry-level job that pays that well and is also available to a non-college graduate.  A large percentage of college graduates don't make that much.  Sorry.

  8. If you find one you let the rest of us know! I went to college and have been at my current job almost 7 years and don't make a fraction of that!!

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