
Im looking for a person who lives in dublin ireland how can i find them ?

by  |  earlier

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i have the persons first and last name age email address whats a good way to look this person up in ireland ? I have tried almost anything no results yet ?




  1. You could try this  Or you could try a social site, bebo is popular over there.  However if you have tried their email is it getting bounced back to you or just no response?  Determination can be a good thing but can look very different from the other end.  Since you are not giving any details just be aware that sometimes laws in other countries can bite you on the a$$

  2. Why not just email them and ask them? you must be a stalker

  3. good luck!


  4. The above would be fine if it was relevant to Ireland which is not in the UK...

  5. Here in the UK we are covered by the DPA ( Data Protection Act). This means that the lady's personal details are protected, this includes such things as, date of birth, bank details home address, in fact every thing relevant to the person. If she says you wont find her, then there's a big chance that you actually wont.

  6. Well if you were in Ireland there's a whole bunch of ways to find them. By the sounds of things she/he doesn't want to be found though.

  7. ask for paddy

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