
Im looking for good tennis shoes that will last ASAP (10 pts)?

by Guest56425  |  earlier

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What tennis shoes would you recommend that will last a long time and are relatively comfortable? I would prefer Adidas but it really doesn't matter. Honestly, it doesn't matter.




  1. If it doesnt matter - why are you asking people. Besides, Adidas is a great Long-Lasting shoe.

  2. NOT nike shox, because the plate on the bottom wears down and snaps in half.  If you need them for like, running, then i would say adidas (any kind, they all last), but if you just want like tied shoes, good old chucks (converse) are the most freaking awesome shoes ever.  the older they get, the better they look.

  3. 1. quality/comfort

    2. looks

    3. cost

    three main things of a show

    when looking for tennis shoes keep in mind those key-points. make sure your shoe fits into your kind of feet, flat or arched. can help you find some good shoes with reviews and feedback included. after you have found a good shoe dont pay attention to the because tennis ware house is somewhat pricey. look up the model on google shopping and there should be somethin in your price range.

    PS nike is a bit smaller in size and adidas is more for wider feet.

    I reccoment the adidas barricade V or IV they are really good.

  4. i recommend you the nike air, they are durable and have practically no weight.  

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