
Im looking for imput on my Yahoo groups page?

by  |  earlier

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If you like the paranormal and ghost hunting. Please look at my Yahoo groups page. Please post your thoughts on that page. Skeptics are welcome.




  1. Hi,

    Not bad, but I tend to agree with the other answerers. In the realm of ghost hunting, you've got to outshine your competition by presenting not only the most information about yourself, but in the most professional way you can. People will tend to go to those they feel the most trustworthy and experienced. Yahoo Groups is great, but not for a presentation medium for drumming up business. I'd recommend getting a website and hiring somebody who knows how to do eye-catching web design.

  2. its kind of bland, you have everyone locked out of your site, they cannot join if they want to. They cant read your messages. You can open your site so people can see whats in it with out allowing them to post a message or join without your consent. Its gonna be hard if nobody can see your messages, or your pics. I allow anybody to join or post, then if we dont like them or what they are about, we can always get rid of them and block them from rejoining or posting. I am thinking your wanting more people to join or whats the use? and wheres your rules and bylaws? no credible organization will accept your group without some outline of what rules you follow.

  3. Thank you for being so inclusive.

    Looks like a good grass roots investigative group.  Although it's nice to have a good looking site, it's also true that you don't want to look like you're selling your services.  A nice plain website shows how you aren't in any way marketing your services.

  4. You could have a hot link to one click to your email, also play up the free service to anyone who needs help more.  List your areas that you work, how far you are willing to travel to help. We find lots of people need help and don't know who to contact.

  5. I like your groups page very much, and am inclined to check in on it from time to time, thanks for sharing.

    My only suggestion is that in your lists of equipment used, the number 1., ... audio devices to record EVP's, instead of using "pick up words and sentences from the dead.", I would use some bigger picture reference than just "the dead".

    Other than that, wow you've got a great foundation & presentation.

    Oh yes, you may include a link to a publicly available website if you don't open the group to the public.  I think lots of people just skip sites that they have to sign up for.

    Keep up the good work, it looks like fun too.

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