
Im looking for info on a tree.?

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i want to plant a tree in the front of my house. i need a tree that has roots that grow down not out i live in Michigan so it can be cold hot dry and wet too so it needs to be able to with stand those conditions. i really liked the Red Maple Tree but i cant find any info. can you help me.





  1. I, too, live in Michigan (Sterling Heights, to be exact). Many of our neighbors (including us) have planted Honey Locust trees in our front yards.  They do good between the sidewalk and the curb because the roots are not superficial, they provide shade but not a lot of it, and their leaves are small and super-easy to rake (as opposed to a maple's). Take a look at this website that I found for ya':

    Maybe it will help you to decide on what looks best for your yard. Have you considered a Dogwood or Cherry?

    P,S--I went for a drive this afternoon and took mental note of all the maple trees everywhere I looked (including in the medians of a 6-lane road.  They get no more water than from an occasional rainfall and they looked tall and healthy. In fact, according to what I read here on the web, maple trees are tolerant of many soils, including dry clay.

  2. Red Maple is hungry for water. Consider that it grows best in swampy conditions. Same for Birch. Were it not for green ash borer, I would recommend the green ash. I have a green ash, and it is tolerant of drought, has nice dark leaves, and grows rapidly. I treat it regularly with bug killer around the roots and trunk. So far, so good.

    Other trees meeting your specs: mountain ash, pagoda tree, honey locust, serviceberry, pear, oak, ginkgo, sweet gum. Lansing, MI.

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