
Im looking for someone that lives in France that knows both French and English?

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I live in texas! i would like to meet someone that knows both french and english. I want to know what its like to live in france and if everything ive heard is real or just made up.

maybe you could help me a little with my french?




  1. Hi

    I am French-born (and raised). and I speak english. If I can help you with your Frencjh, it will be a real pleasure. actually, I miss english a lot (I used to be a translator) and I try to performe my english as best as I can. My e-mail is

    I live near Paris (France)

  2. Go look on the alliance francaise web site:  The alliance francaise is an organziation dedicated to promoting french language and culture around the world.  You can look up individual chapters.  Texas alone has eight chapters - maybe one is near you?  They do social events and have courses.  Many members are French that happen to live in the US - it is a way for them to stay in touch with their roots.  The majority of the members tend to locals interested in learning and maintaining their language skills.

    The French are nice people and they have been unfairly labeled as mean.  They just don't like it when people go to their country and expect them to speak English.  How much worse would Americans treat Latino immigrants if they in turn expected us to speak Spanish?  The French are very nice to people who at least attempt to speak the language if they visit.  Anyway - Parisians are a bit more abrupt - just as most people in big cities tend to be.  In the outlying parts people are way more pleasant.

    Good luck in your search.

  3. heeeey. (:

    i have a cousin who lives in france, and i am helping a student of hers who is french, maybe you could add her msn and/or ask for my cousin Tess?



  4. hi!

    i'm french, if you want to ask me some questions, my address is

  5. Howdy ♫

    Thanks for add and yes !.. I can help you !

    Have a nice day,


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