
Im looking into homeschooling. Good or bad idea?

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Im looking into homeschooling. Good or bad idea?




  1. Is this for yourself, or for your child?  

    Which state do you live in?

    How old are you/is your child, and what is the basic situation?

    Please clarify and we can give you much better advice.

  2. Age of child.  


  3. Wonderful idea.

  4. More 1 on 1! As a homeschooler, thereare good points and bad. Hope this works!

  5. Homeschooling is a good idea for stable families whose parent-child relationships are healthy, and who possess a good measure of self-discipline.

    Homeschooling is bad for families whose parents let the kids run all over them, who don't set boundaries or follow through on opportunities, and whose kids don't respect their parents.

    Of course, even with these less-than-desirable circumstances homeschooling can work but only if the parent-child relationship is remedied.  If all parties are committed to this, homeschooling can allow more time together in order to do this.

  6. As long as your knowledge of other subjects is better than your grasp of English grammar - sure, go ahead.

  7. Yes its your own personal choice if your up to it. Check out or it has many schools in almost all the 50 states, i go to it and its fun im in the highschool program.

  8. I would think that you should, all the benefits far outweigh the downsides (if there are any.) If you (or anyone else) want to ask me any questions, feel free to email me @

  9. good good. very very good. good. very good. good  good ya awsome.

    good thats great ya. totaly do it ya good, good plan.

  10. I think homeschooling is a great idea for most families.  It is better than public school academically and socially, and gives students an opportunity to participate in real life.

    The link below this answer has information on the benefits, pros/cons and statistics about homeschooling.

    Good luck making your decision!

  11. good idea

  12. Are you the parent or the child?

    It's a good idea, as a parent, if you are willing to commit yourself to providing a great upbringing for your child.

    As the student, it's a good idea if you want some more freedom, some more focus and you are motivated.

  13. Always a good idea to look into new things.

    Lots of people love homeschooling because it is versatile and offers so many varied opportunities to learn. It can be a wonderful way to get an education, but ultimately it is up to the parent and depends on the individual.

  14. I wouldnt. You wont know many people so really you wont have much friends..

  15. With as scanty of information as you've provided, I'd say it is not something you should pursue.

  16. good and bad.

    good: you child will be socializing with other kids and make some friends and be able to wear whatever he/she wants and not be judged.

    Bad: your kid will not socialize with other kids

    im in public school now and next year im being online home schooled.

  17. GREAT idea!

  18. Good idea!  You can do some much more with it than with public school!

  19. good idea!

  20. good

  21. Well it depends.

    It only works well with self motivated students who open books on their own and do work instead of goofing off.

    It also depends on your finances and what you can afford.  As kids get other you need to do more than just supply books and software, but educational toys and gismos to work with.

    So you have to decide if everyone can make the commitement or not.

  22. I have just started homeschooling this year. My daughter is 6 almost 7. I love it. She has improved so much in her schooling. Also she is advanced in Math so she working on a high level where as in phonics we take our time so she doesn't get her sounds confused. We have bonded so much this year. I think it is the best thing I have ever done!

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