
Im looking into sponsoring a child. I'm 14 and im just wondering is there a certain age u have 2 be before...?

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being able to sponser a child? a tried the website but it didn't say. If you found it feel free to provide links thanks so much =^_^=




  1. You can help children without using finances as well.

    Have you asked your school if they have a big brother/big sister program? We had a program like that when I was in school and we called it "Amigos". It is basically when an older kid (high school) mentors a younger child (elementary).

    I really enjoyed it! We made some good friends and had some good times!  If your school doesn't have a program like that maybe you could try and start one up after summer?

    Other things you can do is grow your hair out long and then donate it to Locks of Love:

    Gather up unused toys, books, children's clothes and games from your house (ask around in the family and neighborhood as well) and donate them to homeless shelters, battered women shelters, and hospitals.

    Good luck!

  2. i think you should find someone to sponsor urself

  3. I think it is great that you want to do this. There should be more 14 year olds (and older) willing to do things like this. The world would be a better place.

    There is no legal age limit on sponsoring a child. Although different organizations may have limits.  The sponsoring of a child is very important, and some organizations might be reluctant to take a child in for a 14 year old sponsor, concerned that the 14 year old may be unable to keep up the sponsorship (few 14 year olds have regular jobs) or that they will lose interest in a couple months, and stop sending the money.

    So you may find that some organizations require you to be 18 to take on a sponsorship. This increases the odds that you have a job and are mature enough to make such a commitment.

    If you can not find an organization that will accept you at 14, then talk to your parents and have them sponsor the child in their name, with you actually supplying the money, until you turn 18.

    But the only way to know is to ask the different organizations. Some may take you, others may not.

  4. Sponsoring a child is donating money to a charity that will be able to provide for that child. I think the best way for a person your age would be to talk to your school/friends/parents and tell them you're trying to help and collect donations from them and send it to a charity such as World Vision.

  5. tell your moms she might be able to help you ^___^

  6. I think you have to be sixteen, I know my sisters started around that age. If not ask you're parents or possibly an aunt or uncle. And I think that's awesome that you are sponsoring a child.

  7. Well, good for you - I did this for a while.  Basically your money goes into a general fund (not money for that specific child) but you can write some letters back and forth.  It depends on what yoou can afford.

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