
Im looking to buy a tiny pet any suggestions?

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im looking to get a tiny pet for my apartment something like a frog or a turtle something veryyyyyy little (smaller then my palm)(alot) and that dosent require alot of work any suggestions?




  1. All pets are hard work. Pets are just like us, humans.Get a gerbil, rat, hamster, turtle, or frog. Good luck. Or you can buy a bird.

  2. i like those colorful fish (beta???).. they are realllly pretty and nice to look at... fish are all easy to care for... u just buy a fish food treasure chest and u wont hav to worry about feeding it for a week or so!

  3. You're **** outta luck, eh?

    All animals need lots of hard work.  You don't wanna give it hard work, then obviously a pet isn't what you need.

    Oh, wait, no! I know!

    A pet rock.

  4. Leopard Gecko.

  5. no turtle in the pet trade stays smaller than your palm.

    Tarantulas are awesome though..

  6. types of fish maybe a big aqarium that would be cool....

  7. A betta fish they don't grow big and are easy to care for.

    You should get one.The males have long flowing tails and are much prettier.

    The females are rounded and swim faster.

  8. Hey there, i bought a turtle and believe me, they are NOT easy work. Like some of the other suggestions, i htink a fish tank would be great, it is attractive if you have the right lights in it, it is easy to look after, i have a fish tank with one fish in it and i clean it every month or so. And it only has a mini filter, so if you got a big fish tank with a big filter, you would only need to be cleaning it every few months. You can also hire people to clean it for you if you dont want to. Also feeding is very easy for fish and the food is easy to get hold of.

    Hope this helps..


  9. I had a Tarantula and its very easy to take care of. The one I had lasted years without a heat lamp.

    You also only feed it once every one too two weeks depending how much it eats.

  10. well all pets require hard work but i have a hamster and its small and very cute i love playin with her and they are very fun to have as a pet and some of them cost under 10 dollars!

  11. dude like you have to care for all animal and if your not going to do that thando with a small pet rock looser!

  12. Hermit Crabs, an ant farm or sea monkeys.

    Seriously, all pets require time or at least deserve it. Fish can be easy but cleaning the aquarium isn't a favorite of mine. Of the many pets i have had, a snake is the lowest maintenance mine right now eats every 2-3 weeks and is quiet. bedding is changed but isnt hard to do. if you dont like snakes go with a fish.

  13. get a snake  u only have to feed once a month lol...

  14. Some turtles are going to grow big haha~ :P

    You could get a fire bellied toad, I have two of them, they are easy to take care of or fire bellied newts. Maybe a leopard Gecko? I personally never had one, but I heard they're kind of easy to care for, but I can't afford it since the pet store sells them for like $100 Lol :)

  15. a fish  

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