
Im looking to get a decrease in my support order whats the best option courts or division of child suppot ?

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Im looking to get a decrease in my support order whats the best option courts or division of child suppot ?




  1. You have to be more specific here but I'll try to guess on what you are asking.

    If you are the person receiving the child support and you want a decrease you can simply go the child court system that you live near and file the proper paperwork (there are court costs) and ask the referree or judge to lower the payments for the other person.  

    If you are the person giving out the child support and you want them lowered you will need to show a significant change in income and again file the proper paperwork through the child court system (there are court costs) and get a court date to go in front of the judge or referre and ask for lower payments.  But be cautious if there is no significant change in your income it will be a waste of time and if you have actually had an increase in income since the order the court will most likely raise it.  But once you open the case it's up for to be looked at once again to determine how much you pay so this may backfire in the long way you may end up paying more.  

    The courts aren't usually fair to the non-custodial parent when ordering child support in my opinion so I would watch this step if you are looking into it.

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