
Im mad of a girl with no breeding, a s**t, pathetic, overeacting?

by  |  earlier

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ok so, when we were practicing, for our interpretative dance, me and my classmate airah were looking at joey mae, then airah whispered to me that, joeys dancing was, like, too hip hop, that she's kinda, trying too hard to impress, our g*y instructor, and i whispered back to her that, i agree,

because its true!!! but what i didn't notice is that, she(joey) actually saw us, so after, practicing, me and airah were about to go home, when we heard joey scream " BACKBITERS " so thats when i realized

she understood what we were saying, and for joey, it was a backbite,but for me, i was only making an opinion, so everytime, me and airah goes to their room to practice ( me and airah are in section

A while joey is in section B) she suddenly says BACKBITERS

and its been weeks now!! and she still havent gotten over it, cause i didn't want to talk to her, cause even if i explain, she wouldn't understand! cause she's F****ing stupid!




  1. sooo whats ur question?

  2. You have more issues going on her than backbiting. You are obviously a mean small minded person. Maybe you should read your question for yourself and see how you sound. If you have not learned by now that a few loosely chosen words can hurt other people bad you need to take a good look at yourself and your actions.

  3. How would you feel in Joey's place? Words are very hurtful things.Sometimes it's best to keep our opinions to ourselves.

  4. whats the question  

  5. KrazyKid... is right

    but if she really is that stupid, then she's not worth explaining for

  6. well she obviously has taken it badly but it seems that you enjoy making commnts about her. seeing as you 12 reasons why you hate joey, kind of childish, you may think shes stupid but try to understand how it feels for someone to say something about you.

    just say to her it was only an opinon and aplogize that you hurt her feelings. if she dont get over it then, then shes not worth the trouble, but this needs to be settled.

  7. thats not your fault, i mean, you didn't tell her about your opinions, so its not your fault she knew it? i mean, she just knew it by accident, and you didn't tell anyone about your opinions did you?

    plus, i were joey, i'd just shut up, i mean, i don't care if they backbite me, unless, its too hurtful, you know, their just people who don't matter,

    i don't care about a  thing they say, if i wan't to dance i'll dance

    i don't care if i dance too hip hop, you know? i'll just leave them alone

    they'll get tired of making comments!  

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