
Im making a board game on Caesar for english class and i was wondering what do u think is a good idea for what

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the game pieces should be??




  1. How about a miniature Roman column, a chariot, a horse, a scroll, maybe a vase, a fountain.

  2. Ancient Roman board games used pieces made of glass, bone, Ivory, stone and metals. The glass counters used for games like Magic the Gathering can be found at dollar stores and in the floral sections of Wal Mart. They make excellent pieces. Authentic too!

    If you'd like to do an authentic game from Caesar's lifetime, try Duodecim Scripta. It's played a lot like modern backgammon. You use three dice and it's a race to get your pieces on and off the board before the other player. It's a game played by people in ancient Rome for hundreds of years. Here's a link to a website with some more information. Also, type the name of the game into a search engine and you'll find more info. I study historical games. If you need more answers, let me know.

  3. How about this make the finish line the coronation ceromony for caesar. Whoever gets there first becomes the emperor. Make a Coliseum  and in the Coliseum put cards that when people land on certain spots they have to answer questions the questions will be on the cards and will be about ceaser if they answer correctly they move forward if they dont they move back. make a make some risk cards that are about ceaser too but these if they answer wrong the move back alot but if they answer correctly the move forword, and you can make some places that are like made a deal with a another country move forward 5 spaces, if this you want it really complex you could add some money in which players get when they pass certain places or answer certain questions the money could be for if they land on certain spaces they can pay to move forword further. Hope this helps

  4. pick an event in Caesar's life (sorry I haven't brushed up on my ancient history in a while) and base the board game on that event, winning would be succeeding, while losing would result in death

    you could make the pieces all Caesar, or you could use the people that were involved in that event, and if you really want to make it more realistic and interesting (albeit more complicated) you could endow each different person with different 'abilities' or different paths or goals, etc. depending on whatever actually happened

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