
Im marred to half italian woman how 2 get italian passport and how easy that?

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im Egpytion i live in uk im marred of half italian woman i like to have italian passport




  1. Does she have an Italian passport? In that case you can apply to receive Italian citizenship after three years of marriage.

    If she doesn't have an Italian passport, but was indeed born from an Italian parent, she should have her citizenship recognized first. Tell her to go to the nearest Italian Consulate and ask to speak with the person in charge of "cittadinanza".

  2. I dont know, i dont live in Italy, but i would trygoing to an Embassy, or maybe a DMV(department of Motor Vehicles) in Italy to ask for information.

  3. Go to or contact an Italian embassy in UK.

    Italian Embassy and Consulates

    Italian Embassy - London

    Tel:+44 (0)20 73122200

    Fax:+44 (0)20 73122230

    Address: 14, Three Kings Yard, London W1K 4EH

    Italian Consulate General - London (For Visa and Consular Services)

    Tel:+44 (0)20 7235 9371

    Fax:+44 (0)20 7823 1609

    Address: 38 Eaton Place, London SW1X 8AN

    Opening Hours

    Mon-Fri 9am-12pm

    Italian Vice Consulate - Bedford

    Tel:+44 (0)1234 356 647 (switchboard)/326 648 (passports and visas)

    Fax:+44 (0)1234 269 699

    Address: 7-9 Greyfriars, Bedford MK40 1H

    Opening Hours

    Mon-Fri 9am-12.30pm

    Italian Consulate General - Edinburgh

    Tel:+44 (0)131 220 3695/226 3631

    Fax:+44 (0)131 2266260

    Address: 32 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7HA

    Opening Hours

    Mon-Fri 9am-12.30pm

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