
Im moving and i dont want to what to do??

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im moving far and i really dont want to and im scared cause where i am living right now i have been living here for 7 years so far and i really dont wanna move to another place.what should i do?




  1. Really? I've moved 20 schools and 3 contries, just found out I'm moving to another one, don't want to because it's just going to kill me mentaly I had enough, and what am I supposed to do? My mum doesn't vene want to let me stay with my dad, that's even worse.

    Nothing we can do hunny.

  2. tbh, you can't really do anything.

  3. Depends on your age. I left home at 17. It was the end of July or early August 1991. I met my boyfriend August 16th and we moved in together September 13th. Its been 17 years later and still together. I know moving away from friends is difficult but it doesn't mean you have to stop talking to them. Meeting new people and friends could be great.Think of it as a adventure and before you know it you'll be in collage and on your on. I wish I was young and just starting out in the world. Good Luck to you.

  4. Are you forced to move/

    Are you still underage and living with your parents?

    Well I am sure they are moving for a good reason.

    They are not just moving.

    There is a perfect reason to why you guys are.

    Maybe sit down and talk to your parents about how you want to stay!

    & how you are scared to move.

    Don't be sad.

    Moving can be great.

    If you are moving to a different state then you can get the chance to explore that state as well. If you are moving to another country then you have the chance to see more places.

    Every city has a special thing to it.

    Best of luck,

    Jonas Obsessed!  

  5. There is nothing you can do.   I have moved every three to five years my whole life.  There is nothing i can do about it.  You will be fine.  As long as you know who you are (i mean like you aren't a poser) than you are fine.   You'll be okay.   Just remeber whatever you do in the first few days is important. The simples things mean a lot at a new school. Good luck!

  6. Adolescent

    Moving will be a very educational and maturing experience.

    It will force you to think objectively as an individual instead of just thinking and acting like the friends around you.

    It will also teach you that school is not the real world, very important to learn.

    Tell your parent(s) that you want to be home-schooled so you can concentrate on your education and not have to be subjected to the social nonsense that goes on in schools.

  7. Honestly, there's nothing you can do.

  8. It's Hard, but you will be will make new friends.~~Aloha and Bon Voyage~~

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