
Im moving im soo scared?

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i am 14 lived in a small town for all thoose years and now in less than a month we are suppose to be moving to hunsville alabama. First off their school starts august 6th so i will have to miss a week of school im going into high school 9th grade and know absoultutly nobody. So how do i cope with this im not very outgoing really shy and i dont know how to make new friends without my old ones for support. i havent eaten in 3 day and im thinking of suicide.




  1. Think of it as a clean slate, you can be anyone you want, you mentioned you were shy before, well be shy no more!, be confident, even if you have to fake it, it'll soon become real.

  2. Well sweetie just be your cute little old self and the rest will come natural...this is nothing to kill yourself over cuz if you can get thru getting your period you can get thru anything.

  3. well i kinda did the same thing my dad lived in justin tx and my mom lived in arlington and i HATED my dad but always wanted to live with my mom and one day my dad really pissed me off so i just packed up and moved, i went from always going to school with the same people and a guy i dated for a yr and moved with my mom it was SOOOO HARD i missed my friends  and i got so close to moving back but after a couple of weeks it grew on me and it turned out to be the best thing change is sometime NICE, im 21 now and married (imet my hubb in 12grade) and have a wonderfull son. If its bothering you that bad talk to them about living with family where u are now or a friend. If you do move it will be ok, but please dont kill  yourself not worth it, sometimes things happen for a reason. and u can always e mail and call ur old friends i do. =)

  4. suicide is the permanent solution to temporary problems.

    High school has a ton of new students. Get involved. Join the chess team, track team, band camp, FFA, or whatever suits your talents. Please eat. You're just a bit stressed. Don't worry, ok?

    You'll be fine :]

  5. are you serious it's not that bad. moving can be a wonderful thing at least you will be able to make new friend.

  6. suicide is never the answer.

    but, i moved about 3 years ago, and sorry to say but it WAS heII,     but it was also new and exciting, its like a clean sheet of paper, be yourself. friends will come to you.

    good luck

  7. hi ryan. please dont even think of suicide. my uncle did last year an i still cry cause i miss him so much. so many ppl luv u im sure an it wuld be so painful. im sure it is realy scary 2 think about movin and goin 2 a new school. it never happened 2 me but im gonna be a junior an my school has alot of new students from other places cause its very mixed an even tho i got my own friends (realy just one good one) I always notice kids who are new an look alone an i always go talk 2 them and do what i can to make them feel better. so remember theres good ppl in high school who like 2 help. i always tell them 2 join freshman groups or other groups so u can be in a small group and get 2 kno other kids more easy.  and im realy shy 2 but u gotta try 2 reach out some. and i kno theres boys like me who like 2 help out so keep ur eyes open an it will be ok.  please try to calm down and i kno ur gonna be fine.  good luck ryan

  8. Ugh, moving and new schools.  Any military kid will tell you how rough it can be.  however, yuo can lessen your stress level by writing/emailing your new school to find out what classes you wil be in and what is expected of you.  Some schools have web sites that you can log inmto and take a 'tour' ofhe school and read up on some of hte teachers and school rules.  Some times you ca nget a 'sponsor' at your new school, a student in your own grade that will show you around and help you get settled in.   Talk about your anxieties with yor never know what kind of help they ca ngive too.

    As for feeling suicidal... I've been there.  I spent so much of my life in and around hospitals, an part of that was because I went suicidal over a bad breakup I had with a boy.  I can tell you that suicide is not the answer to anything.   I can tell you that it will be better later on. I can tell you all of those things, like someone tried t tell me, as well-meaning as they were.  The bottom line is you are scared.  Your paretns also are scared, but they aren't showing it, hopingthat you wont be afraid if htey aren't.  It's agood thought, but not quite what you need right now.  No guilt trips (what would your family feel like if you did that to hem?)--that doesnt cut it eaither.  If you don't wantoto talk ot ou parents about this, you can call a help line or crisis line, and they will assit you finding help for you.  I know it's hard.  I know the feelings.  Please, do me a favor and talk to SOMEONE about this now, before it gets so big that you you won't be able to cope with it.  Afer you talk to someone, adn you ae feeling better qbout it, drop me a line.  I've veen there.  I KNOW.

  9. Ryann, you need to tell your parents, or someone, how you feel- suicide IS NOT THE ANSWER to this situation !!! Everyone faces this situation at some point in their lives, Ryann- and your feelings of anxiety are normal. The first thing you need to do after you get to Huntsville is go get registered for school, and while you are there, ask if your new school has a newcomers' group- chances are, they do, and that will help you a lot. Most of these groups are made up of people who either moved into or transfered into the school during the summer from somewhere else- either another district, another county, or perhaps another state, the way you will have done. All of these kids are in the same situation you will be in- and they will have many of the same feelings you do. This is the group from which your first new friends will probably come- if you are polite and friendly to them. They in turn can introduce you to THEIR FRIENDS, and that will help you settle in and adjust. If you can, try to join a club or activity at school that interests you- like the math or chess club for example, or if you are interested in acting or theater, you might think about doing something with the drama or music departments at your school. You don't have to give up all your interests, hobbies, or activities just because you move, Ryann- in fact, being involved in them in your new home will help you make friends, because there are going to be people your own age who share your interests. Join a sports team- that's still another way to make friends.

    Another thing you need to do is talk with your new teachers, and let them know you are new to the area. Your teachers can introduce you to your new classmates, and help you feel more at home and at ease- if you let them do it. Above all, though, you need to recognize that this is a learning experience and a chance to grow a little bit- and that it ultimately will make you stronger as a person. Calm down, and get something to eat, and start taking better care of yourself. Give yourself and your new home a chance, Ryann- once you get there and adjust to it, I think you will really like it. Sure, leaving is painful, I know. I have lived in almost 2 dozen different states since I was born, and moving is something I loathe most of the time, mainly because I hate packing, and trying to get settled in a new place is almost always stressful. But the good part is that eventually, the stress does GO AWAY.

    You will adjust- but killing yourself will not help anyone. If you are really feeling that bad, Ryann, you need to call the national suicide prevention hotline at 1-800-SUICIDE, and talk with one of the counselors. They can help you sort out your feelings, and help you find a doctor who can treat you for depression and anxiety. This service is free, and so is the call- and the hotline is available 24/7/365. Good luck.

  10. DON'T KILL YOURSELF! I moved from Staten Island (part of New York City) to a small town in Florida, when I was 12 (the end of seventh grade). I moved from NY when there was 3 months left of school and there were only 6 weeks left of school in Florida, they end a month earlier than NY. I too was not an outgoing person, and shy around people I didn't know. However, I made friends and got over it. So that is my suggestion.


  12. OMG , your moving , its not the end of the world , if you are thinking of suicide and are starving yourself over something so stupid than you need help , you need to talk to someone, parent , conselor, psychiatrist , friend.

    Plus I moved all the time , its not that bad after the first day, you will meet someone and then they will introduce you to their friends and soon enough you will have new friends and be able to keep in touch with your old friends .  

    BTW - if you are posting this question just to see what people will say, you need to go find a hobby or something that is more productive.

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