
Im moving out of my parents house &Im trying to figure out my expenses how much do you pay for utilities?

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Im thinking about moving into a townhouse it is a 2 bedroom with 1.5 bath. My roomate and I are splitting the rent so we will be paying $312 a month. The only utilitie that is included is water. We have to pay for basic cable, electric, and gas. I live in MI so it gets pretty cold in the winter. Please tell me if you can how much you think we would be spending a month on those 3 things? thank you

btw my home will be around 900sq feet or a little less.

Also we both work and go to school so we will not be home too often.




  1. I best advice I could offer you is to contact some neighbors in this townhome community to get an estimate of monthly expenses.  I am sure they will be happy to assist you.  People from outside your area cannot truly give you a practical estimate.

  2. if both your roommate and you budget $200 each....($400 total) if you have some money left over, you can have a party! Some months you will have money left over, other months, (peak summer and winter) you may not!

  3. It really depends on alot of factors.

    1.) you cable package... don't fall for limited time offers, you will end up paying a ton when the offer is over. Always go for the most basic package.

    2.) if you utilties offers you a budget plan.. where you just pay the same monthly rate.. no matter what.. then at the end of the year, if you owe.. you may have to pay up alot or a little.But if you don't owe.. they will reduce the bill. It really all depends on the company.  Oh and be sure in the wintertime to turn off the heat if no one is home.. saves a bucketload of $$!

  4. When you call to get your utilities hooked up, you can ask your utilities company the previous year monthly charges.

    I would ask to be put on a balanced budget, so that your utility bills do not change with the weather.  Natural gas can be expensive in winter, and electricity can be expensive in summer

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