
Im moving to australia :/?

by Guest33599  |  earlier

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My step dad has finally been offered a job over in adelaide, so me, my mother and he are going to be moving over in roughly 16weeks. I'm really scared :/ i'm petrified of the sight of a money spider and from what i've been told, aussies dont like the english :/ :(




  1. don't worry about spiders.. that is the least of your concerns. Just don't walk under any trees, we get drop bears here so seriously, stay away. My friend had wounds all over her body, she had to be hospitalised for 2 weeks.

    We don't not like the English, we don't like it when you say you don't like us. I feel sorry for you moving to adelaide, it's a pretty boring place i hear.

  2. You'll do fine. It will be a great adventure. We found people there to be warm and friendly. At least you speak their language! Be glad he didn't go to South America or Asia.

  3. they will be able to tell you are english as soon as you open your mouth!  but don't worry, I am sure you will make plenty of friends because of the novelty factor.  It's not that we don't like the english,  the only time we don't really like them is when they try to say they are better at sports than us.  or mention that we are from the colonies.  don't do either of these things and you will be fine.  also, don't worry about spiders... you don't see them that often and when you do, get your dad to get rid of it.  it's the drop bears you need to be worried about anyway...

    I hope you enjoy your new home.

  4. Adelaide is pretty good, well everyone says its boring but i disagree because im biased, it's just smaller then a couple of other cities in the country.

    I was more scared of the spiders in England when i visited because they can fly, well i think they were spiders.,.like flying daddy long legs. Sydney has worse spiders then Adelaide, its just hunstmans spiders that are scary but they are harmless just ugly and redbacks are bit bad but i hardly see any of them.  

    No the English are not disliked as far as i am aware at all,  people will probably comment on your accent and crack a few jokes and call you a pome.

  5. Don't tell them you are English.

    It'll be a learning expirence, you'll be so into it, people aren't going to care what you are or where you come from.

  6. I wanna go too!

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