
Im coming out?

by Guest44930  |  earlier

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I have one last big hoorah In the coming out to my friends.Ive told 10 of them so far all of them support me.But I haven't told the person I'm closest to my best friend..The main reason is because I like him as more than that he is my second half.He is the milk to my cereal and I cant fathom losing him as a friend 9 out of the 10 people I told automatically assumed he was g*y too just because of the chemistry flirting with him is an everyday occurance I feel like there is something there.I have it all setup for tomorrow I already told him that I have to talk to him about something very important.The only thing I don't know is what to say when the moment arises tomorrow.I'm scared




  1. You need to tell him that you are g*y.  But don't tell him that you like him in the same breath.  He can take only one thing at a time.  If he is a good friend then he will accept you for what you are and still remain your friend and support you.  The rest can come later.

  2. Please, just tell him. He is your friend he will love you no matter what!

  3. good luck

  4. First things first, don't tell him you like him as more than a friend. At least not tomorrow. Or any time too soon for that matter. He needs time to take in everything.

    Well I don't think you should beat around the bush too much. Maybe make small talk for a minute or so when you meet up and then just do. This is what I told my best guy friend and luckily it went over pretty well,

    "Uhh I don't really know how to tell you this... I'm g*y."

    He'll be shocked but you'll be able to tell what to do next by his reaction.

    If he doesn't accept it it will be obvious very quickly. If he just sorta stands there without saying anything then just tell him that you don't want it to affect your friendship and that it's really no big deal. You just wanted to be honest/open with him.

    If he asks questions then answer them for him.

    Then if you have any more small talk to talk about, maybe go on with that as if to make it seem like nothing more important than anything else you talk about.

    Just try to be low key about the whole thing.

    I wish you luck.

  5. Look sweetie. Its a risk. There will always be a risk no matter what you do in life. I think you should be flat out and tell him exactly what you need to. Chances are if he has been this close to you, he already knows. I think that things will work out fine. I wish you luck buddy. If u want to IM me my screen name is Loveislife1804

  6. This is something to be very nervous about.. But its also going to be the day you find out who's really there for you, who your real friends are, and who really cares for you. Just go for it. you can only hope for the best, ya know? Plus if he is flirting with you, i think its a very big possibility he is into you.

  7. Obviously, no one can tell you the words to use when you're having a hard conversation with a good friend, and the idea of this encounter is rightfully scary since it holds out the possibility of turning an important part of your life upside down.

    An important thing to remember is that coming out is something that you do for yourself---so that you can engage more honestly and authentically with the people in your life.  If things don't go as smoothly with him as they seem to have gone with your other friends, it will be a bummer, but the odds are that he'll come to terms with it given some time, since there are clearly a lot of things that sustain your friendship that aren't about the fact that you're g*y.  Be patient with him if he needs some time.

    But it would be worse if you got cold feet and decided not to tell him, since he'll hear from someone else, and that might make him feel like you don't value his friendship as much as you do others.

    What you're doing is brave and scary.  Just remember that you're not looking for anyone's approval: you're trying to help them understand you more completely.  In the long run, whatever happens tomorrow (and I think it will go OK), you will find yourself in a better place.

  8. good for you. everyone should accept your preferences, even if its not the same as yours. they should love you for who you are.

    and if they judge you they are not worth it.

  9. dont be scared. im sure if you two are that close something like this shouldnt pull you apart

  10. when you see him and he asks what did you need to tell me just say (insert name here) g*y! and then take it from there

  11. well if your flirting with him and he doenst mind then he's probably g*y too so just go for it. if hes a true friend he'll understand and be ok with it.

  12. say something like, I really need you as a friend and hope that this doesn't change are relationship, but i'm g*y.

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