
Im nervous when i fight?

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hey whats up everyone heres what the deal a good fighter i can take a punch and i can deal them out to and there alot of people in my school who fight and they try to act tuff and say they want to beat me i have no problem fighting them but i get this like nervous feeling i my chest and i start breathing heavy is this just my adrenaline starting to pump or what and is there anything i could do to get rid of this thanks everyone.




  1. Whenever you have to fight you lose.  Try to avoid fighting it only leads to trouble.  Prisons are filled with people who thought they were getting into an ordinary street fight but ended up with manslaughter.

  2. Hey Zacky !

    Your mama called, you need to do your laundry cuz , you got no clean undies tomorrow for  your first day at  Fred n*****k Elementary School !

  3. thats called anxiety. Usually means your smart and know you should not be fighting.  Fight for what matters, Fight oppresion, Fight for your family, Fight for your family, Do not fight just to fight!

  4. well you can say you're confident but by you're description I'd say you're truly nervous

  5. First, you are missing the main learning of martial arts.

    It is not about "fighting", winning or loosing, taking a punch or dishing them is to learn control of ones body as one learns to unify ones mind and body.

    The only true opponent that you have is your own ego.

    As long as winning and loosing are your focus and not self knowledge, you will become physically agitated.

    May it be well with you.

  6. If you were any kind of true martial artist you wouldn't be getting yourself into all of these situations where you "need" to fight. You know you are not supposed to use martial arts to show off, but to defend yourself as a last resort. A smart martial artist knows how to avoid trouble. Sounds to me like you need attention! Oh, and it's anxiety by the way. Duh...

  7. Why are you in so many fights? Are you a trouble maker?

    It's anxiety.

  8. Is not being scary or nervous, is your conscious and anxiety of the consequences that you'll face after the fight.

    Things like, cops involvement, school suspension or expel, lawsuit from your opponent's family member.

    I get those too, but do think about the consequences. Find out more about your opponent's background, some of these people have no shame to come after you with bats and chains.

    You'll never get rid of this feeling, unless you don't care about your future.

  9. it is good to have an adrenaline rush when you fight i have been a boxer for 10 years and i still get that feeling. you sound like a bad a** so use that adrenaline to give your punches more power also it helps to numb the pain of getting hit you can move faster and hit harder with that kind of adrenaline but i know what you mean when your hands get all shaky and stuff. just breath deep and know that you are tougher than the other guy

  10. you must discover you inner chi, and channel your energy into defeating your opponent.

  11. just relax, focus on your strengths, think of your weaknesses and how to avoid them, think back to your opponent and his weakness you want to exploit and his strengths you want to avoid

    i get the same way up until that first punch gets thrown, the ding of the bell scares me the most, then once i get hit, my mind goes blank and everything works on autopilot, he kicks i block, i punch, he blocks, you get the general idea

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