
Im nervouse?

by  |  earlier

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after the disney channel toled me they loved me they made me read a commercials in front of the camera. they toled me to ALWAYS look into it, but i dont think i did? should i be worried? i mean tomrow they will tell me how i did, but what should i do?




  1. it'll be fine

  2. Seriously, acting star...if you really are an acting star... don't worry... First of all, none of us can really tell you how you did because WE WEREN"T THERE... I (kindly) suggest you quit worrying so much about it & don't look for confirmation from complete strangers on line.... You call you self acting star... A true actor is mature & patient & takes it as it comes...good or bad....worrying doesn't help...

    Also, please(for your benefit) proof read your questions prior to posting them, if you want anyone to appreciate you and take you seriously learn to spell... Especially as an actor! People like you give us a bad rep. & if you plan to EVER market yourself as intellegent, you better be able to spell NERVOUS...TOLD... & TOMORROW...

    Just chill and & accuaint yourself with Mr.Webster, okay?

  3. All you can do is wait.  If they decide not to use you, ask them very professionally if there is anything that you could do to improve on your next audition.  Good way to get feedback.  They'll be honest.  Hope it works out for you!

  4. Not to be rude but nobody's going to take you seriously in the acting business if you can't spell. Work on it. You're old enough to understand how to spell nervous and told and tomorrow.

  5. What should you do about having not looked directly into the camera in the past?  Um, what CAN you do?  Just try not to obsess over it and wait to see what they say.  It's probably ok as long as you're not looking all over the place or more than a few degrees off center.

  6. You look at the television camera the way you would look at a friend or acquaintance with whom you were talking. You have to imagine the camera as a human being with whom you are interacting otherwise it won't feel right to the audience you are hoping to entertain or educate or otherwise connect with.

    There is no point in being worried now since there is nothing you can do about it. You have to hope that they see enough potential in you as an actress. If they do, then as long as you are willing to work at learning the tricks of performing for television you should be fine.

    Even if they give you bad news tomorrow, try to impress them with your class. Don't be mad or sad! Thank them for the opportunity they extended to you and impress them by handling this setback with grace and a dtermination to keep working hard to find your next break. If they go away with a positive impression of you as a person, then chances are they won't forget you anytime soon.

    Good luck!
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