
Im new on here but i was looking through some of the questions and found this?

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I am really concerned this person has stolen these pictures of other peoples babies and put them up as her own,

As i said I'm new but i would be livid if some one stole my children's pics and used them as there own,




  1. The question has now been deleted so I can't see these pictures. But this just goes to show how people are complete idiots for putting their kids pics on the net. I wouldn't even have mine as my avator. Some things are private and that is one of them.

  2. How do you know they're stolen? I see no reason to even suspect they're not hers... ??

    Please answer my question --->;...

  3. yeh your right what is next


  4. thats pathetic. the person should get reported with the pics shown to the police.

  5. after looking at the pics, i do believe u are right, now what?

  6. Dont worry about it

  7. i think you are right. i  clicked on pictures of what are supposed to be the same children, just different pics, but every picture looks like it shows a different baby. none of them look alike! this should be reported

    update:that womans posting has now been deleted, thank God!

  8. Looks like she did lol.

    she must be like 10 if she think anyone will belive her.

  9. well i doubt that see did, why would anyone do that.

    its pointless and it would be ridiculous!

    but yea it wouldnt be okay for her to use someone else's pictures. but there really isnt much you can do about it.

  10. When I saw the pictures, I knew right away they were fake. There's no way you can have triplets and have them all be that big so soon. No way! I think it's sick that there are still people today trying to pass someone else's kids as their own and sadly many get away with it.

    I'm sure the parents would be mad, but I would imagine that as long as their babies wouldn't be in harm's way, they'll be okay. If people are dumb enough to believe that parents of triplets wouldn't even take a picture of all three together, we have some serious issues needing to be dealt with.

    This person could have taken the pictures from family members. I used to talk to these people who did this and passed those kids as their own for a while. This is very sad, but part of me believes the parents of those babies let it happen. They could have also gotten them from friends, maybe on myspace or facebook. It's very easy to steal pictures. Or even random people on photobucket or some other site. So many possibilities.

    The question has already been deleted so there are no more worries. Parents should never put their kids' pictures online. They are inviting drama into their lives, and nobody wants drama. I hope everyone here is more careful with their pictures. Find a better way to store your pictures and show them to people. Just make sure it's not something others can steal and use to hurt your children.

  11. Yeah, I'm going to say that those really aren't her kids.

    They were way too big to be triplets first of all.

    Second none of them looked the least bit alike.

    And all of the pictures had different babies in them.

  12. I totally agree with you! I think that those are someone else's kids. And that each picture looks way different.

  13. i think you are right. if they were triplets then surely they would have had a picture with all 3 babys together? all the photos have a different background and they dont add up together.

  14. wow, shes crazy.. we should all report her and write down why she is being reported

  15. thats so lame its not even funny

  16. thats not a question.....

  17. Yes,i would too.

    im not new but you will see a lot of sick stuff like this.

    if you see this best thing to do is report it.

    ppl report me for asking a question thats not stupid.

    its ridicoulus

    but this is just wrong

  18. Guess she did. That's just sad...

  19. I kinda agree with you!! Those are some big triplets and the blankets at the hospital are all different. Usually hospital blankets at the same hospital are all the same..... Hope that's not the case though with this lady!! I would be HIGHLY UPSET if i saw my daughter's pic somewhere else with someone pretending she was theirs!!!!!!

  20. How sick, what a deranged person!

  21. Yeah I know she did. When you have triplets, and 2 other children. There's no way you have time to post pictures of them all and talk about them to people you don't even know. What a sick I'm reporting it, you all should too.

  22. Why worry so much it's not like she stole the babies indenty.And how do you know it's not her babies?Good luck in Yahoo Answers maybe someday you'll become a top contributorr like me!!!

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