
Im new to surfing i want to visit iconic locations but im scared of sharks where should i go?

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Im new to surfing i want to visit iconic locations but im scared of sharks where should i go?




  1. South Africa or Australia ... they have shark nets. Although, you're more likely to die from a falling coconut then a shark attack so I wouldnt be overly worried if I was you

  2. Cornwall, Devon, Gower, Tiree - depends what you think iconic

    just enjoy surfing :)

  3. Torquay England

  4. New Zealand got grerat surf both east and west north island great.except the south east coast for you because the great white shark colanes are big.Or South america chilli and brazil they great surf .If your worryed about  sharks dont surf around seal colones dats where sharks like to hang out looking 4 a feed.but youl be fine you only live once dont waste it worrying about things dont worry bout the sharks and live for the moment.chers

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