
Im not allowed to run....what about swimming??

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Ive been told over the past year to stop running...cause of pains in my legs and yesterday the doctor finally told me to stop like for the last time...they just told me my nerves are messed up. So all the doctors are saying to try swimming but the thing is im already 14 and if i do a sport..i need to be like...good, I dont know where i can learn with ppl my age (also beginners) and if i did i would have to (want to) swim year should i even go for it...or is it too late..




  1. swimming is good try doing as many different strokes as you can though..It is never too late to make a new beginning

  2. sry bought your legs

    YMCA has a great program

    go for it, its never too late

  3. Sorry to here about the pain in you legs. I have C.P. swimming is a very good sport for u. Who says U  have to be good? Over time U will be good. Swimming at any age is good,

  4. You can totally do it.  

    I started swimming competitively when I was 14, freshman year of high school.  I wasn't very good at first.  I knew how to swim already from lessons as as kid, but as far as competition--forget about it.  But I stuck with it and by my senior year I was really good, aiming for a school record and undefeated in my event.

    Join the team at your school or the local YMCA and stick with it.  You'll be a fish in time.  Don't worry, it's not too late.

  5. I am much older than you, but at age 29 I was in a very bad pedestrian accident. One of my legs was broken in 4 places, 3 operations.

    I used to referee high school basketball, now I can no longer run, been almost 20 years now.

    I swim laps and that is how I get my exercise.

    Good luck, it has worked for me and I am in my late 40's.

  6. I'm sorry about your legs, that sucks. I am a swimmer, and I also run track and do cross country.  I got bad shin splints from running and was advised to stop running, so I am now swimming again even though its my off season.  Its definatly not too late! At first it will be hard because you might be a little bit behind, but after about a month you'll be improved and in shape :) have fun !

  7. im sorry bout your legs but swimming is amazing sport. it is fun and relaxing. go into compitive, go to the local YMCA and see if they have one. they can take a look at you and see where you need to be. If you have strength and endurance THAT HELPS A Ton. you just have to work on ur technique. Good luck!!!

  8. go for it! swimming is a sport you can do for life. It is never too late. If you start now, your starting either before highschool or just after your freshman year.  Who knows you could find unsuspected success. High school state champs were last week and this junior guy who started swimming his freshman year placed 1st! It was a huge deal. I guess what I'm trying to say is even if you don't become a state champ you can still succeed in the sport of swimming.

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