
Im not an EU citizen how can I apply for work in Spain?

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I speak basic spanish and I would like to go to Spain to live and work. Im working in an airline here in the Middle East. How can I get to work in Spain? Can I arrive there as tourist then look for a job?





  1. Basic Spanish alone cannot guarantee a job in Spain, although it would definitely help. You would need to have a willing employer to sponsor your work permit.

    You can go there as a tourist, but it would be difficult to look for a job because you need a "carta de residencia" to work, which is only available for EU citizens.

    There's a way out, though. I would suggest that you go there as a tourist, get to know the locals, and marry a Spaniard or an EU citizen. Once you've obtained your residence permit, you can work in Spain. Just make sure, however, that you marry out of love and not because you just want to stay in Spain.

    You can also enroll in a Spanish language class to hone your skills. Who knows, you might impress somebody who owns a company and they'll take you in?!

  2. If you work for an airline that has offices in Spain then check with them. I would suggest you contact the Spanish embassy and ask for their advice.

    Yes, you could arrive as a tourist and then enquire at a police station for advice. I´m sure you trying to speak Spanish would be appreciated.


    Here the oficial language is Spanish, but maybe if you come to Barcelona to work they told you need Catalan also to work there, so better look in these sites, in a place  like Madrid, Andalucia, Islas Canarias, Castilla Leon, Castilla la Mancha places which not have other language than Spanish.

    And try to improve your Spanish....

    If you work in a airline, why dont you look for a job in a spanish airline?

    Look there,



    I think thats all. And ask in the embassy of Spain in your country!!

  4. dont stay were you are

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